Auckland’s city centre is a busy place. Keep your belongings close to you and don’t leave them unattended. It’s especially easy to get distracted when you’re using your phone.
Sexual harassment
Sexual harassment – verbal or physical – is never OK. Find out how to stay safe and report any unwanted behaviour.
Personal safety
If you feel threatened or someone is intimidating you – move away and ask for help. Try to stay in groups, and in serious circumstances call the police immediately on 111.
Bringing illegal drugs into New Zealand is a serious crime and will result in serious consequences. Always pack your own belongings when travelling.
Be particularly careful buying anything through social media or online sites – never give out personal information unless you’re absolutely sure the company is real and contracts are legal.
Reporting a crime
If you’re in danger or experience or witness an emergency, phone 111 immediately – the call is free of charge on any phone.
Tenancy rights
Make sure you find out about the New Zealand system before you sign any agreements or pay money to a landlord or property agency.
Employer/employee rights
Workers (employees) are protected by law in New Zealand – know your rights to stay safe and avoid being underpaid or unfairly exploited.
Sexual health
If you’re seeking guidance or help in relation to your sexual health, use the confidential support services available for both males and females.
Mental health
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed, anxious or depressed, always ask for help. As well as talking to friends, New Zealand has a wide range of confidential support agencies that provide care.
Support services and organisations
There’s always someone you can go to for help and advice, with a wide range of support services, as well as the police in more serious matters.
New Zealand Police
Call police on 111 in an emergency involving you, your friends, or if you see someone who needs help. The call is free and you’ll be asked if you need fire, police or ambulance. For non-urgent problems such as theft, call your local police station.
Call Youthline if you need to talk to someone about any problem you have in your personal life or if you’re feeling lonely, stressed or just need someone to talk to who understands.
Freephone 0800 376 633
Free text 234
Email [email protected]
Contact lifeline if you’re having trouble with depression or are worried or stressed.
Freephone 0800 543 354
If you want to report any crime without revealing your identity, call Crimestoppers. Your phone call will help stop crime and you’ll remain anonymous.
Freephone 0800 555 111
NZ Customs Service
This website provides advice about what you can bring into New Zealand or take overseas, and offers general information to travellers.
Freephone 0800 428 786
Victim Support
Contact Victim Support if you’re the victim of a crime and you have already spoken to the police but need more support.
Freephone 0800 842 846
Sexual Assault
In emergencies always phone 111 for the police.
Visit Rape Prevention Education if you or someone you know has been a victim of sexual assault.
Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
Contact MBIE if you have any questions or concerns about your tenancy.
Tenancy information: 0800 836 262
Bond information: 0800 737 666
Call Shine if you have any problems with family violence in your home or with your girlfriend or boyfriend.
Freephone 0508 744 633
Rainbow Youth
Rainbow Youth offers support, information and education for young and gender diverse (LGBTIQ - lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and questioning) people up to the ages of 28.
Phone 09 376 4155
Your Local Doctor
If you’re unwell, visit your local family doctor or university student health and wellbeing centre.