For Auckland’s local economies to prosper we learned from leading examples of how local areas can create and sustain economic resilience at the 2018 Local Economic Development Masterclass. Tune in here to discover what needs to be done for Auckland to create sustainable economic resilience.



Auckland's Economy: Collaborating to Stimulate Inclusive Prosperity

Creating and sustaining economic resilience is essential for Auckland’s local communities to prosper. In his speech to delegates of the 2018 Auckland Local Economic Development Masterclass, Patrick McVeigh General Manager, Business Innovation and Skills at ATEED, discusses some of the challenges the city faces in enabling the benefits of Auckland’s economic growth to be felt by all Aucklanders.


Local Wealth Building and Inclusivity

In his speech to delegates at the 2018 Auckland Local Economic Development Masterclass, Neil McInroy, Chief Executive, Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES), from the United Kingdom, discusses the key principles of local wealth building work to ensure local communities benefit from growth, drawing on examples from Preston in the UK and Barcelona.


Beyond Exploring at the Edges: Why Addressing Disadvantage is an Economic Development Agenda (More than a Welfare Agenda)

In her speech to delegates at the 2018 Auckland Local Economic Development Masterclass, Dr Ingrid Burkett, Director of Learning and Systems Innovation at The Australian Centre for Social Innovation, draws on her experiences working in Geelong, regional New South Wales and Melbourne to discuss place based initiatives aimed at addressing entrenched disadvantage.